Welcome to Exstream Media
Here you can get the free Tulip 3d animation Player, and view all the fun animated content available on this site! Once you download the small player (about 40 seconds at 56k), you'll be able to see the stuff shown here, large, and in 3d!

Here's some of what you can view:

“Rock a Bye” by Shaun Mullins
“Bawitdaba” by Kid Rock


Tell all your friends about streaming 3d!

You'll need a PC running Internet Explorer to take advantage of all of Tulip's incredible  power. So what are you waiting for?

Interested in 3d Computer Animation, Art and Graphics?  Take a look at our Comprehensive LINKS DIRECTORY!

“The BINCH who struck U-Ville!”
click here!

Visit Punkinhed
for some goofy
Click here!